Carrie Leshin MS, Speech Pathologist tells you that if a child is not saying single words by the age of 18 months, at least 50 words, a parent should start being concerned. ...
Dr Chris Steele of The Family GP demonstrates how to properly examine your testicles for cancer. This shows how to carry out a testicular examination. Testicular cancer is a young man's disease, occur ...
In this video series, our expert Dr. Susan Jewell will teach you how to do testicular cancer self exams. You will learn all about testicular cancer and the male reproductive system, as well as getting ...
In this health care video series, our expert, Dr. Susan Jewell, will explain the various risk factors for developing breast cancer and explain breast cancer symptoms. ...
In this video series, our expert will teach you how to identify signs of anxiety disorders, as well as a few common treatments for anxiety. You will learn all about a variety of anxiety disorders, inc ...
In this series of children's health videos from our professional counselor and expert on ADHD (hyperkinetic disorder), you will learn tips on how to determine if your child is suffering from this diso ...
In this video series, watch as health specialist Carolyn Waygood teaches how to give a male self breast exam. ...
In this video series, watch as health specialist Carolyn Waygood teaches how to give a partner self breast exam. Learn the different techniques for self checking your breast for tumors, how to give a ...
In this series of videos you'll learn how to deal with food allergies. Expert Dr. Tammy Ruefli explains the facts of food allergies, including the various symptoms and reactions to food allergies. She ...